• Breex Product Homepage

    Breex Product Homepage

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    Minimum intake of food energy

    The substance is ingested
    by an organism

    Includes ingredients used to prepare food suitable for backcountry camping and backpacking. The foods differ substantially from the ingredients found in a typical home kitchen. The primary differences relate to campers’ and backpackers’ special needs for foods that have appropriate cooking time, perishability, weight, and nutritional content.

    The right to food is a human right

    Requires the use of heavy machinery and is not something that most campers are able to do on their own. Freeze-dried ingredients are often considered superior to dehydrated ingredients however, because they rehydrate at camp faster and retain more flavor than their dehydrated counterparts.

    Minimum food energy

    “ Food is any substance consumed to provide nutritional support for an organism ”

    Requires the use of heavy machinery and is not something that most campers are able to do on their own. Freeze-dried ingredients are often considered superior to dehydrated ingredients however, because they rehydrate at camp faster and retain more flavor than their dehydrated counterparts.

    – Rex Fodila

    Food product to meet

    Fruits are the ripened ovaries of plants, including the seeds

    The process of making a diet version of a food usually requires finding an acceptable low-food-energy substitute for some high-food-energy ingredient. This can be as simple as replacing some or all of the food’s sugar

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