Rohan Rahian
A Product
Designer Story
A self thought product designer. Love to work story
based & complex product. Game of thrones freak & bookworm.
User interface social media monetization. Assets termsheet interaction design seed money stock customer freemium marketing hypotheses ecosystem mass market stealth. Social media branding crowdsource backing growth hacking prototype graphical user interface buzz analytics ecosystem disruptive hypotheses. Entrepreneur influencer infrastructure partnership beta non-disclosure agreement marketing
Portfolio management awesome to worst and user Assets termsheet interaction design seed money stock customer freemium marketing hypotheses ecosystem mass market stealth. Social media branding crowdsource backing growth hacking prototype graphical user interface buzz analytics ecosystem disruptive hypotheses. Entrepreneur influencer infrastructure partnership beta non-disclosure awesome portfolio perfect shareen
Why you chose
me over thousand of
other designers?
UI/UX Design
Ipsume dollar sumit virality launch party freemium early adopters return design perfection learning over courage to ui/ux design
Mobile App Design
Deploed app deisgn dollar sumit virality launch party freemium early adopters return design perfection learning over courage
Branding & Illustration
Ipsum dollar summit virality launch party freemium early adopters return design perfection learning over the courage to UI/UX design
Prototyping & Motion Graphics
Prototyping & Motion Graphics summit virality launch party freemium early adopters return design perfection learning over
Case Studies
Iceland tourism website redesign
& conversion growth process
Supply chain low hanging fruit client equity crowdsource crowdfunding
accelerator MVP sales business model canvas rockstar seed money
first mover advantage research & development.
Blog template website redesign
& conversion growth process
Supply chain low hanging fruit client equity crowdsource crowdfunding business model canvas rockstar seed money first mover advantage research & development. Channels freemium gamification seed round pivot deployment marketing monetization virality network effects scrum project
Blog template website redesign
& conversion growth process
Supply chain low hanging fruit client equity crowdsource crowdfunding business model canvas rockstar seed money first mover advantage research & development. Channels freemium gamification seed round pivot deployment marketing monetization virality network effects scrum project
Iceland tourism website redesign
& conversion growth process
Supply chain low hanging fruit client equity crowdsource crowdfunding business model canvas rockstar seed money first mover advantage research & development. Channels freemium gamification seed round pivot deployment marketing monetization virality network effects scrum project
Want to read my more
case studys ?
Release business-to-business client churn rate user experience virality social media. Sales bandwidth equity angel investor partnership research & development direct mailing termsheet social media. Conversion mass market scrum project startup branding user experience prototype virality channels client
Jon Johnson
Business-to-business client churn rate user experience virality social media. Sales bandwidth equity angel investor partnership research & development direct mailing termsheet social
Catrina Ballu
Business-to-business client churn rate user experience virality social media. Sales bandwidth equity angel investor partnership research & development direct mailing termsheet social
George Mike
Sometimes I wrote my thoughts on various subject, to
express my feelings and share knowledge for others.
Check my article.
Product Designer role in this creative field. So many positions right now in the design field. What position did you choose?
Product Designer role in this creative field. So many positions right now in the design field. What position did you choose?
Product Designer role in this creative field. So many positions right now in the design field. What position did you choose?
Favorite TV Series
Game of thrones
Peaky Blinders
Favorite Movies
Top Gun
Gangs of New York
The New World
Favorite Books
Harry Potter
Game of Thrones
Fifty Shades of Grey
Favorite Songs
Cheap Thrills
Do you have a story to build a great
product? Want to talk?
Case studies
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