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Mobile applications often stand in contrast to desktop applications that run on desktop computers, and with web applications which run in mobile web browsers rather than directly on the mobile device.

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A mobile app is a computer program designed to run on a mobile device such as a phone/tablet or watch.

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Apps that are not preinstalled are usually available through distribution platforms called app stores, like Apple Store or Google Play.

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Apps can also be installed manually, for example by running an Android application package on Android devices.

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Conversational interfaces display the computer interface and present interactions through text instead of graphic elements.

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Amazon’s senior vice president of devices, says in an interview with Bloomberg, “We believe the next big platform is voice.”
“Usage of mobile apps has become increasingly prevalent across mobile phone users.”
– The Verge –
“Researchers found that usage of mobile apps strongly correlates with user context and depends on user’s location and time of the day.”
– Gameland Sport –
“Mobile application development requires use of specialized integrated development environments.”
– Startup Wise –
“Mobile UIs, or front-ends, rely on mobile back-ends to support access to enterprise systems.”